Monday, January 03, 2011

28th Amendment call/email/write your representatives

Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution: "Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives;and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/orRepresentatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of theUnited States ."

Congressional Reform Act of 2011.1.
Term Limits....12 years only, one of the possible options below.
A. Two Six-year Senate terms. B. Six Two-year House terms. C. One Six-year Senate term and three Two-Year House terms.
2. No Tenure / No Pension....A Congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office.
3. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security....All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people.
4. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.
5. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%. And none if our seniors do not get a raise.
6. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.
7. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.
8. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void effective 1/1/11.
The American people did not make the current contract with members of Congress. Congressmen made all these contracts for themselves.Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work in the private sector..

copy paste this to your emails to your representatives. don't know who your rep is (shame) look them up at


C ity of Pacific Administration contacts
MAYOR HERB ADAMS 877-352-3781 work 636-271-0500 city hall
CITY ADMIN. HAROLD SELBY 636-271-0500 city hall
MUNICIPAL JUDGE, RON REED 636-257-4553 work 636-257-1376 home
WARD I, MIKE BATES 636-271-5797 home
WARD I, ED GASS 636-271-4911 home
WARD II, BRAD REED 314-477-3521 cell
WARD II, JERRY EVERSMEYER 314-550-2139 cell
WARD III, MIKE PIGG 314-707-2017 cell 257-7750 home
WARD III, WALTER ARNETTE 314-456-6796 cell 257-4338 home
This is a the state senate website that will get you point-and-click addresses and allow you to send a message directly from the website to all of your reps. The only thing you need is your entire zipcode including the extra four digits (and for those who don't know their entire zip, below is the website to get it.)Find your representatives: Find your nine-digit zipcode: For all other representatives or